• Welcome

    to MCorp Investments


Our intent is to turn this business into a global investment holding company.


The business about legacy and generational wealth creation.


Our team has extensive experience in capital raising both in local and international markets.


Mcorp Investments (Mcorp) is a wholly black owned and managed investment company. Our intent is to turn this business into a global investment holding company.

We invest through are own balance sheet and in partnership with various funding partners or through collaboration with other investments holding companies. Our team has extensive experience in capital raising both in local and international markets.

The business about legacy and generational wealth creation.


We partner with the businesses that we invest in and such, we prefer opportunities where our partners are involved operationally.

We have a preference to invest in businesses with a sound track record and with huge growth potential. Although we would look at any good business opportunity with a good operational team.

We are committed to the environment and local communities in which we operate.

We are a global business and as such, we are continuously looking for opportunities on a global stage.


Curtis Mnisi – CEO

Curtis is a Chartered Accountant and experienced finance executive. He holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh Business School, UK).

He is currently a Chief Financial Executive of a mining entity, where he has responsibility to establish and manage the systems and organizations required to implement a finance system to deliver best of class financial, accounting and
supply chain management. His focus on corporate value optimization, facilitating strategic investment decisions, facilitating strategic and tactical financing decisions, working capital management and supply chain management.

Prior to this he has been a general manager of an operation in the mining space. He has strong capital raising experience in both local and international markets and has won international awards in this regard. Curtis serves on a number of corporate boards. He has experience across these commodities: coal, diamond, rare earth elements and calcium fluoride.

Pitsi Mnisi – Executive Director

Pitsi is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. She holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh Business School, UK). She also holds an Advanced Certificate in Emerging Markets and Country Risks Analysis (Registered with the Board of Regents of the state of New York) with the Fordham University (USA, City of New York).

Pitsi founded Lynshpin Cedar, a consulting and corporate finance advisory entity (visit www.lynshpincedar.co.za for more information about the company).

Prior to this, she worked for De Beers as a Business Manager and was part of a team that successfully completed the pre-feasibility and feasibility study of the Venetia Underground Project with an approved capital investment of US$2bn. She has experience across these commodities: diamonds & coal. She has also worked at Deloitte & Touché as a senior tax consultant and was seconded to the UK as an assistant manager in the audit department.

She also has a wealth of experience in corporate governance matters having served on a number of Boards and Chaired a number of Finance & Audit Committees.


  • Telephone number

    +27 (0)11 655 7076

  • Business address

    Building 10,
    Thornhill Office Park
    94 Bekker Road
    Vorna Valley

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